Naša tradicionalna tekaška otvoritev sezone na dogodku RIO MARE 6. PARENZANA MARATHON je za nami. Lahko rečemo uspešno in REKORDNO. K temu je seveda pripomogla definitivno najlepša trasa in ciljno prizorišče, seveda pa brez vrhunskega sončnega vremena to ne bi bilo TO kar je bilo.
Res smo lahko veseli, da smo imeli tudi tokrat srečo na naši strani. Iz sobote na nedeljo je namreč Slovenijo zajela huda toča, sneg in sodra, kar bi verjetno pogoje na dogodku zelo otežilo. Tako pa smo imeli v cilju ogromno nasmejanih in veselih obrazov, ki so tekli v soncu. In ja, nekaterim je bilo celo zelo prevroče. Ampak kar naj tako vreme ostane še naprej.
REPORTAŽA naših italijanskih tekaških prijateljev, je na voljo TUKAJ
S trasami smo tudi tokrat povezali Hrvaško in Slovenijo s starti na krožišču ob morju v Bašaniji, na Crvenem vrhu pri Hotelih Kempinski, v Kanegri in na slovenskem mejnem prehodu. Cilj vseh tras pa je bil v Kampu Lucija, pri restavraciji TAKAMAKA.
GALERIJE SLIK bomo nalagali tekom tega tedna, jih je kar nekaj in bomo sproti objavljali na naši FB STRANI in spodaj v galerije:
Hvala še enkrat, da smo lahko skupaj pričarali ta nepozaben tekaški dan, ki ga še vsi skupaj dolgo ne bomo pozabili.
Nadaljujemo na partnerskem teku v CELJU. Tradicionalni AC FRIMOBIL 13. VELIKONOČNI TEK OKROG ŠMARTINSKEGA JEZERA bo v soboto, 30. marca. PRIJAVA TUKAJ.
Vsi udeleženci RIO MARE 6. PARENZANA MARATHONA, lahko izkoristijo 10% popust na aktualno ceno startnine (popust se seveda ne sešteva z ostalimi aktualnimi popusti)
Se vidimo
Congratulations to all the participants of the event, you were FANTASTIC!
Our traditional season opening run is behind us. We can say it was successful and RECORD-BREAKING. Of course, this was definitely contributed by the most beautiful route and finish area, but without exceptional sunny weather, it wouldn’t have been what it was. We can truly be grateful that luck was on our side once again this time. From Saturday to Sunday, Slovenia was hit by severe hail, snow, and sleet, which would have likely made conditions at the event very challenging. Instead, we had plenty of smiling and happy faces at the finish line, running under the sun. And yes, some found it very hot indeed. But let’s hope such weather continues.
We will be uploading PHOTO GALLERIES throughout this week. There are quite a few, and we will be posting them during the week on our FB PAGE and below in the galleries:
Thank you once again for allowing us to create this unforgettable running day together, one that none of us will soon forget.
We continue at the partner run in CELJE. The traditional AC FRIMOBIL 13th EASTER RUN AROUND ŠMARTINSKO LAKE will take place on Saturday, March 30th. REGISTER HERE.
All participants of the RIO MARE 6th PARENZANA MARATHON can take advantage of a 10% discount on the current registration fee (discounts cannot be combined with other ongoing discounts).
See you there!